Jordan Maxwell on The Jeff Rense Show. Recorded on June 21st, 2010.
Here is an important operational kind of thing. What if: Everytime You went someplace you were forced to use far more fuel than needed supplied by a single source who is affilitated with the maker who makes the engine. That's what we have, or ; "forced bad usage". Force bad usage of a method, is similar to forced bad usage of information. We do it everyday all the time and are forced to do it and become accustomed to it, it would alter your daily activites both physical and mental. Change!All beings are equal, the earth is for all to share equally. when you personally take more than you need or claim an area of land and are not using it for the betterment of others or to support you and your family's life .. it is glutinous and greedy and this world is in the state that it is in because people have been taught this is mine ,that is mine WRONG none of it is anybody's, everything you own comes from the earth ,is powered by the earth, sun , water . and one day will go back to it .