Tuesday, June 30, 2020

đŸ‘‰This is Agenda 21 : Be Ready for The Economic Totalitarian New World Order !!

đŸ‘‰This is Agenda 21 : Be Ready for The Economic Totalitarian New World Order !!

The current global economic system is based on the hyperglobalism and selective capitalism that has evolved from Adam Smith’s classic emancipatory capitalism into selective globalism that is supported by the IMF, the World Bank, and WTO and is dominated by the neo-imperial elite. This neo-imperial elite that is less than 1% of the global population owns most of the global economy and orchestrates sinister designs to dominate global politics, mold social values, and control the economic system. This elite creates recessions, initiates wars, fund global conflicts, and coordinates revolutions across the globe. On several occasions, this elite seems to defy each other but this is just a phantasm to cheat the world, it works in a closeknitted global network that secures their interests and helps them to scratch each other’s back. They have dexterously exploited the COVID-19 global pandemic lockdowns to oppress the small businesses that have limited resources and cannot endure the shockwaves of indefinite lockdown. The 2 trillion US Federal Bailout signed by President Trump, is the largest in the US history, yet small business owners who were supposed to get the lion’s share are exempted in the first round of disbursement. (Diaz 2020) This research is the out-and-out analysis of the contemporary global economic structure; how it works; who are its key players; and how this financial system has damaged the planet and its inhabitants. Moreover, this document critically analyzes the damage that has already been done and proposes a solution that may replace the current financial malpractices. It may also bring transparency, equality, and equal opportunities for small businesses against multinational giants and thus establish freedom, justice, and equality at the workplace. Gradually, conventional war and its artillery are being replaced by psychological media warfare, and this time its artillery is COVID-19. It is impossible to believe that all this noise in the news is true because everyone knows that news produced by media companies is controlled by central banks and pharmaceutical companies. Our common-sense questions that how could a virus travel around the world and hit hard all countries without affecting the two biggest cities besides Wuhan, Beijing, and Shanghai? The Chinese government did not close the country on the first day of the virus's discovery. If this virus is as dangerous and contagious as the media keeps telling us, then why has it not spread to all the regions of China, especially when China has the fastest and transportation networks in the world. Every day, this virus kills thousands of people around the world! This is nothing new, influenza viruses have been doing this for very long. The lockdowns are directly in the interest of the global elite because since 2009 global economy is contracting and the fiat financial system is doomed to fail sooner or later. The current lockdown situation would create a global food crisis, governments would have no option but to resort to blame-game for governance failure, for example, America is blaming China for the spread of the virus and China is doing exactly the opposite. A recent report presented to Chinese President Xi Jinping reveals that anti-China sentiments have risen to an unprecedented scale and have never been this high since the Tiananmen Square Massacre of 1989. The report has anticipated that this could lead China to an armed conflict with America. So the war is the only escape but as both superpowers have developed enormous military bases across the globe, the war would be the deadliest war of human history with the possibility of nuclear carnage that would surely endanger the prime interests of the global elite. So they would not let countries resort to violence instead they would psychologically motivate the global leadership to introduce the new economic model that would give them unprecedented power. The economic model would be followed by the number of legislations across the globe that would force every citizen to be vaccinated at gunpoint. This fifth-generation cutting-edge nanotechnology might bring Nano-chips with them that would have the two-way communication and might give colossal control over human lives. It might transmit our life information, what we like, what we don't like, what we want, and what we don't want. Ghost servers placed overseas may record all this information and sell it to multinational companies that unleash directed ads and products in our lives, limited our ability to think, decide, progress, and enjoy the natural freedom. So, it can be said that this virus is considered as "Joha's Nail" and carries out the currently required duty. The global elite is 1% of the world’s population and owns 99% of central banks and shares of global stock exchanges, which qualifies them to own different kinds of companies. For example, they own large shares in the Military-Industrial Complex corporations, Pharmaceutical Industrial Complex corporations in all its aspects, especially the vaccines sector. Besides, they own a lot of shares in Google, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, Instagram, CNN, MSNBC plus all news channels that are censoring dissent, independent research, and new information on COVID-19. Moreover, this elite owns the technology companies including up-to-date communication nanotechnology that would be operated through 5G technology. The Unprecedented Scam This neo-imperial elite has extended its long tentacles to every corner of the world, they have established a neo-feudal global empire where a few controls the global production, labor, and trade. This pandemic lockdown is an opportunity to critically analyze and smash this brutal capitalism that has environed our lives, for example, we can present a novel global economic model that could help the running of the global economy in a more inclusive and egalitarian fashion. Humans have not been moved by fancy dialectic arguments and speeches but have always learned from major disasters, for example, the World Wars, the Great Depression, and the Black Death. The global elite class that includes Chinese and the western investors who own banks, global business, and the stock market, are the ones who committed the crime and the deceit of "COVID-19", simply because all of their interests have become so intertwined. Think for a while, China discovered the COVID-19 in December 2019. The imposed countrywide lockdown throughout the first three months of 2020, they had around a hundred thousand COVID-19 patients, why CIA and NSA did not convince the Trump administration that they should impose immediate lockdown in New York, the house of Wall Street parasites? Because they did not let it happen, they simply did not allow the lockdown. This is one of the critical decisions that should have been taken beforehand that could have saved hundreds of thousands of civilians. Should not this utter negligence and mismanagement be investigated? Should not the responsible people be brought to justice? It was allowed to increase numbers that would psychologically convince the American public that the new financial measures were necessary and inevitable against the COVID-19 global pandemic that allegedly had destroyed the whole global economy. This is the masterplan of the upcoming sinister global order. Let’s discuss here a very unusual incident to support our argument. Tanzanian President John Magufuli, having a university master's degree in chemistry, doubted the testing process and imported kits when positive cases rose from a few hundred to several thousand within a few days. To check the credibility of the testing process and kits, he deliberately sent some animal blood samples to the biggest and most credible lab of the country without exposing the origin of the samples. The results were astonishing, all animals were COVID-19 positive, he ordered the army to confiscate all testing kits and exposed the scam on global media but mainstream media ignored this big scam that was desired to increase the numbers of the patients to psychologically choke the global community. (Al-Jazeera 2020) If this is true for one country then this can be true for the whole world as there are a few service providers who export medical equipment and testing kits, mostly based in China and the United States of America. It is worth noting that the tool and the front end of this crime are the so-called "World Health Organization" hence the event is given a formal and legal character. The activities of this organization and its direct or indirect funding must be investigated. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. Please take a second to smash that like button. And as You know friends, google has demonetized this channel, so now I rely totally on your donations to keep this channel functional, as you know it takes a crazy amount of research and time to bring you this content on a daily basis, so I hope you consider helping with whatever donation you can afford. Thank You. All this noise and hysteria underlying this virus is essentially psychological warfare for an economic purpose whose aims are: A) Exploit the rest of the real economy in the hands of small stakeholders, b) Exploit the remaining livelihoods of people like farmers, c) and the most important is to restart their criminal usurious financial system for the benefit of global feudalism that hasn’t been seen in the history of mankind. The Building of the Neo-Imperial Global Empire After the end of the Thirty Years' War in Europe, the Peace of Westphalia was signed in 1648 that gave birth to the modern nation-states, most of the economy at the time was based on agrarian feudalism and state-sponsored mercantile enterprises. After the imperial onslaught and conquering of the new worlds in the Americas and Australia, the global economy shifted from feudalism to imperial capitalism that gave birth to the new middle-class bourgeoisie who emerged as major entrepreneurs. This era was characterized by a free global economy that had little or no trading barriers, this gave birth to a new elite who relied on global trade. (Heywood 2011, 29-32) In the second half of the eighteenth century the concept of perpetual peace forwarded by German philosopher Emmanuel Kant, the free market economy, and the classic capitalism proposed by David Ricardo and the Scottish economist Adam Smith, revolutionized the global politics and trade. The late 18th century was characterized by the American and French Revolutions which gave birth to the modern world which had core human values of freedom, justice, and equality. The nineteenth century was overwhelmed by imperial conflicts so the national borders and trade routes were ever-changing and dynamic. The socialist creed which has been evolving throughout the 17th and 18th century took the concrete form when Karl Marx wrote Communist Manifesto followed by his Das Kapital, he proposed the concept of division of labor and alienation of production. (Skidelsky 2016, 28-34) He urged the workers of the world to unite against persecution because they had nothing to lose but their chains, this initiated the global age of communism. The early 20th century saw massive imperial wars like the Opium Wars, Sino-Japanese conflict, Balkan Wars, and the imperial enterprises of Italy in northwestern Africa. But the initiation of World War I shocked everyone which unleashed the unimagined havoc on humankind, the end of this conflict was supposed to end all future global conflicts but the controversial and humiliating Versailles Treaty not only sowed the seed for the future conflicts but also sealed the human fate for another fifty years. Communism emerged as a force to be reckoned with in the USSR under the leadership of Vladimir Lenin in 1917. President Woodrow Wilson urged his European colleagues to follow the fancy ideals of freedom, justice, and equality but failed to convince his Congress to join the League of Nations. The Great Depression (1929) which was initiated on the Black Tuesday, when millions of shares changed hands in a single day, destroyed the whole global economy and plunged humankind throughout the 1930s. The So-Called Modern Free Market Economy President Roosevelt introduced his New Deal (1933-1939) in 1933 which was supposed to bail out small businesses by giving them the loans at lower interest rates, the New Deal increased the government spending by manifolds. This so-called New Deal was a major blow to small businesses as it strengthened and equipped big Wall Street sharks, it further laid the foundation of the military-industrial complex in the United States. World War II (1939-1945) was another dreadful event of human history that inspired the establishment of the United Nations in October 1945. The UN, IMF, and the World were supposed to keep a balance but they failed against the ruthless onslaught of neo-feudalism, these institutions often served as handmaiden of these new feudal lords who aspired to overshadow the whole world. The post-war era was characterized by capital-communist tussle which preoccupied the western economic lords who started a new cold war that aimed to defeat communism. After the fall of the Berlin Wall and collapse of the Soviet Union in the 1990s, the World Trade Organization along with major economic groups like the G7 and G20 established a new imperial empire or the new world order which serves the interest of its brutal neo-feudal masters. President Eisenhower and President Kennedy warned us about the sinister designs of the military-industrial complex and secret societies who were planning to enslave the whole capitalist economy. This is now an open secret that a neo-feudal club of elite rules the globe, this global elite destabilize countries, wage wars, and fuel conflicts to secure their interests. (Chomsky 2017) Making of the Modern Kings This neo-feudal onslaught of brutal capitalism that has swallowed several million people and destroyed almost half of the globe's resources is unstoppable. The annual GDP of several multinational corporations surpasses the total GDP of many developing countries, for example, Apple, Microsoft, and Walmart have earned more than half of the world's developing countries' annual GDP. (Fernando Belinchon 2018) Global leaders need to act to narrow the gap between the haves and have nots, they should urge the global institutions and enterprises to follow balanced trade policy. They should renew the trade agreements that facilitate the small businesses and force the global elite to play by the rules and follow international standards. Multinational companies are mostly owned by Wall Street tycoons who invest in developing countries with loose regulation to huge capital by damaging the environment that in return causes colossal climate change that respects no boundaries. The influential banking system and global politics are designed to secure better fiefs for themselves. The United Nations report indicates that globalization, led by neo-feudal elite and imperial multinational companies, is not working for most of the planet. World’s 20% rich people enjoy 86% of world resources and create 85% of world pollution while the rest 80% have only 14% of the world's resources and contribute only 15% in global pollution. The social security and welfare policies of developing countries are molded by the IMF and the World Bank that put the working class at great risk. (Collins 2015) Wall Street Parasites The prominent political philosopher Noam Chomsky in his book “Who Rules the World” critically examined and explained that who pulls the string from behind the curtain and rules the world through politicians. He says that the Wall Street parasites are the real culprits who own everything we have and everything we can have. (Chomsky 2017) As Noam Chomsky puts it, they have enormous resources and colossal political power at their disposal, there is nothing they cannot achieve; they control world media, banking system, financial transactions, military, and trade agreements. They can wage wars, destroy nations, and create new realities, in short, they have godly powers and they use them to achieve their goals. The Evil of the Worn The investment bankers and our new kings are the masters of money represented by private banks and their tyrannical companies in the stock exchange. They are mysterious people who have no identity or homeland, and most of the temptations of the land and its wars are funded by them. Disorganized and divided, we cannot stand up to such an evil, unless we introduce a system that administrates by justice and equality for all humanity, especially in the workplace. The perpetual solution, again, is democracy in the workplace. "The first thing you need to know about Goldman Sachs is that it’s everywhere. The world’s most powerful investment bank is a great vampire squid wrapped around the face of humanity, relentlessly jamming its blood funnel into anything that smells like money." Matt Taibbi (Award-winning investigative journalist) The Assessment of the Damage Done The laissez-faire of capitalism was supposed to encourage free trade while the developed countries have placed the number of restrictive taxes that paralyze the so-called free economy. The global economy is delightful for investors and managers but it is increasing the gap between the rich and the poor. It steals away millions of jobs from developing countries, for example, America lost 3 million jobs and billions of dollars to the economy because of global trade. The workers in the developing countries work in substandard conditions with no proper tools and safety measures, they are under constant fear of losing their job as they have no job security. Workers fail to make living in developing and developed countries while the managers, investors, and CEOs have unrestrained power and boundless money to control everything. (Saval 2017) They have no regard for environmental degradation, for example, Europe has banned coal production but China and India have live coal mines and coal power plants so they provide the cheaper power supply. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Leave me a comment. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

Wednesday, June 10, 2020

đŸ‘‰Monetary Reset & Economic Collapse worse than The Great Depression

đŸ‘‰Monetary Reset & Economic Collapse worse than The Great Depression

As America continues to implode from within, The era of the dollar’s exorbitant privilege as the world’s primary reserve currency is coming to an end. The U.S. living standards are about to be squeezed as never before. We import everything, and the only things we export are wars, mortgage-backed securities, And The US Dollar. Our nation's wealth is being drained drop by drop because our government continues to mount record deficits. The security of our country depends on the fiscal integrity of our government, and we're throwing it away. The Contraction of GDP is currently, WORSE than that of the Great Depression, which then stood at 33 %. TODAY, contraction of GDP stands at 50 %. We can safely conclude that we have entered into the GREATEST Depression, EVER! Our national debt is going to eventually catch up with us, and it will be painful for all, and this has been a long time coming. Just how much money do you think The Fed can print without other countries balking at buying our over-inflated notes! The world is also tired of the US threatening to ruin their economy by the Dollar if they don't tow the US line. Gold-backed currencies, decentralized cryptocurrencies and trading commodity for commodity is the way around that. Settlement in the US Dollar has dropped in recent years when it hits fifty percent. Its days as the world's trading currency are over. The Federal Reserve Note is a Debt-based Pyramid Scheme. Other nations no longer purchase our bonds (debt). The record of History proves that paper currencies always hit their intrinsic value of ZERO! We are well on our way. The weaponization of the dollar and the US banking system by Trump is why the dollar is weakening. Add to that the fed printing trillions and the government borrowing trillions to prop up the markets. Factor in also, record and historical debt loads. The Fed and the Fed system of banks are now the major and almost sole purchaser of US bonds. The US financial system is taking money out of its left pocket to put it in its right pocket. Are you expecting a "V" or a "W" recovery? Forget about it! It's going to be an "S" and no recovery for the Markets. Get out now - it's a sucker's market. All short term Fed-induced liquidity. Oil stocks will drop back to half of the previous lows. The Fed is pumping money into the stock market to make people think things are great. Wake up! It's all smoke and mirrors. The equity value of stocks is less than meaningless. 2008 should have taught EVERYONE that. Thanks to the financial propaganda-press, the divergent curves of the stock market and the REAL American economy have been studiously ignored by most - at their, and everyone else's, peril. We are in trouble as a nation. Congress has to stop spending us into deficit. This has been going on for almost 40 years, and the government borrowing escalated dangerously after the 2008 recession. Our whole monetary system is dishonest, as it is debt-based. Our debt is 25 TRILLION. There are 8 billion people in the world. That means every man, woman, and child on the planet would need to pay $3,000 in order to pay off America's debt. Think about that. It means we will never be able to dig ourselves out. The dollar is already devaluing. Have you not bought anything lately? Grocery prices are way more than they were. It is only the beginning, as the more the national debt increases, the less the dollar is worth. The so-called "dollar privilege" is largely responsible for the erosion of the middle class in the USA. It did wonders for the 1%, no so much for the 99%. The "Walmart effect." The average Joe standard of living has been stagnant for decades but not the top 1%. As a matter of fact, the top 1% incomes have gone 10000s % for decades. We've got to worry about the world not wanting the dollar anymore, which will mean hyperinflation like Venezuela. We can’t print endless money and not say hey, how about we start paying it back. We are right now 30 percent Stimulus in the GDP. Trumponomics needs to stop. Billionaires are burping with borrowed taxpayers' money. It’s time for hard love when it comes to budgeting. The collapse of our economy is inevitable. How can you live at home with borrowing more than you make? That’s the USA right now. Living on credit is never a good thing. When asked about the burgeoning federal deficit and national debt, Trump replied: “Not my problem!.” For far too long, the US has benefited from the unfair advantage of being the reserve currency of the world, printing dollars with impunity all at the expense of the rest of the world, which has granted such largesse for the sake of economic efficiency. The US leveraged its reserve currency status by demanding that oil can only be traded with the US Dollar hence the petro-dollar monopoly. This has not only allowed the US to spend five times more on its military than Europe and China combined but enabled it to meddle in other countries' affairs through invasion, toppling democratically elected governments, and bombing innocent civilians suspected of terrorism. The Trillions, being pumped into the economy by the Fed, are being subsidized by the rest of the world as their dollar reserves decrease in value due to flood of US Dollar entering the markets. At some point, this house of cards will come crashing down, and it will be caused by US greed and lack of fiscal discipline. The Fed’s decade-old grand experiment of creating trillions of dollars of debt used primarily to enrich the top 5% wage earners, wall st banks and insurance companies, and the well connected like warren buffet has finally reached the point where the end game is in sight which is a collapsing, crushing debt bomb. Now its taking hundreds of billions, even Trillions every day, to keep the bubble market inflated. The saddest part of this is the vast majority of politicians, and business leaders who should understand the implications of this shift and are in positions to address it are all worried about their next election or quarterly report. The dollar is declining now. That's why stock prices are up: when priced in dollars, stock prices have been declining as the dollar's value shrinks. Once the dollar is dethroned, there will be no world reserve currency. Each nation will have to back their own currency in Gold or direct trade commodities. A world reserve currency allows for abuse by the issuing nation. The USA was able to scam the world for 50 years, so its time to get back to real money and see the real price of things again. The selloff of the US dollar has already begun. Big changes are coming. It is going to be beautiful. All government-issued fiat has failed 100% in history. The US Dollar will be no different. Hedge the dollar and buy tangible assets YOU own, and have no debt tied to your name. Gold, Silver, land, bitcoin. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The Federal Reserve was created on December 23, 1913, when President Woodrow Wilson signed the Federal Reserve Act into law. It is a conglomeration of the Big Private Bankers. Those Banks run the currency show - control it all through the Fed then, to the Government! The biggest con job EVER in history! Despite these warnings, Woodrow Wilson signed the 1913 Federal Reserve Act. A few years later, he wrote: “I am the most unhappy man. I have unwittingly ruined my country. A great industrial nation is controlled by its system of credit. Our system of credit is concentrated. The growth of the nation, therefore, and all our activities are in the hands of a few men. We have come to be one of the worst ruled, one of the most completely controlled and dominated governments in the civilized world no longer a Government by free opinion, no longer a Government by conviction and the vote of the majority, but a Government by the opinion and duress of a small group of dominant men.” On June 4, 1963, JFK ordered the printing of Treasury dollar bills instead of Federal Reserve notes (Executive Order 11110). He also ordered that once these had been printed, the Federal Reserve notes would be withdrawn, and the Treasury bills put into circulation. A few months later (November 22, 1963), he was killed in broad daylight in front of the whole world. One week before Dallas, he made that famous speech where he talked about a highly secretive group of powerful people he was going to expose, and with the help of The American people, he intended to spoil their plans. The FIRST thing LBJ did when he took office was to abolish the Treasury Dollar printing operation. And all of this bearly reported at the time. BTW LBJ created and pushed through the Great Society welfare state, which is directly responsible for where we are today. And one of Johnson’s first acts as President was to repeal order 11110. Forty-four nations agreed in 1944 at Breton Woods to use the US dollar, backed by gold as the reserve currency for international trade. Created at the same time were the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and the World Bank. In 1971, the issue of gold backing for the US dollar was so restrictive to the US government's money printing and deficit spending that US President Richard Nixon "temporarily" suspended the ability to convert the US dollar to gold. That "temporary" suspension has become a "permanent" suspension in practice. The record of history tells us that GOLD and silver have lasted the war. Nations, who left Gold out of their support for their dollar ALL their currencies, ultimately tanked. Greeks, Romans, Germany (Reich mark), Zimbabwe, etc. Currency collapsed. The U.S .will fare no differently. The Dollar died in 1971, decoupling from gold. As we’ve seen, it’s been reserve currency for almost 50 years. Bubbles can last a very long time. The US Dollar will massively spike as one last death cough before its death as the reserve currency. US Dollar decoupling from gold ensured its eventual death, but it was far from dead at that time. The reason why America has gotten so wealthy is because of the combination of the Dollar's status as a reserve currency and the ability for the US to print Dollars without devaluing it due to its status. We got rich off the backs of the countries that used it, but that will come to an end when it dies. When Nixon closed the gold window back, in August of 1971, the dollar has been manipulated and is losing its intrinsic value, as it slides to ZERO. The dollar, in comparison to Gold, is only worth 1.4% in its actual purchasing power. A penny (1 cent) back in 1906, bought you more than a dollar does today. Ever since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913, inflation has been consistent. The US dollar is often referred to as the cleanest shirt in a batch of dirty laundry. What props the dollar up is world confidence that the US will pay back it's debts and not just the interest on those debts. With the ongoing US injection of trillions of US dollars into its financial system, thus impacting the world's financial systems, its only a matter of time before a new form of a reserve currency is brought into existence. That could be Special Drawing Rights through the IMF or even some form of blockchain cryptocurrency overseen by the IMF and agreed to by the majority of the world's countries, despite what would likely be a US objection. The US dollars loss of reserve currency status will happen; it's just a matter of when and under what "triggering" circumstance. This will lead to the inevitable collapse of the dollar!! A huge national debt always results in higher prices for everything. Neither party had any type of plan to pay down much less off the debt. History shows that governments have collapsed under the weight of runaway inflation. This is the situation Trump or his successor will inherit. We can't even afford another war to pull us out of this mess. Serious riots will make the current racial riots look like tea parties. People think the recent riots were bad. Wait till the government checks don't clear or they buy 50% of what they used to. The vast majority of US dollars are held by American Private Banks and the Federal Reserve. The Collapse of the dollar without any successful successor will equal a crisis that may be even greater of 1929...maybe even with one. That crisis is already in the works, and there is coming Hyper-inflation ultimately. Can't continue to just print dollars out of thin air with zero to back it. The existing inventory and underground reserves of Gold will be $100k or more an oz. in order to cover all the outstanding currency. Countries like China and India with huge stockpiles will ripe windfall benefits and become the world's richest economies, while the U.S. will suffer hyperinflation. The debt service that will be likely over 800 billion next year is money that is frankly pissed away, bringing no services to the American people for that EXTREMELY large sum of money. If the rest of the world sees us as a bad risk, the price we will pay will be catastrophic. Deficits do matter big time. Who will fund the saving deficit of a nation that has finally lost its exorbitant privilege?" The Fed will just print money to monetize the debt, right? Everyone in America now believes that the Fed will fix all problems by printing money. It has worked since 2008, so why not? Should foreigners no longer want to buy US Treasuries, interest rates would be driven up to entice them to fund our debts. But that will cause the economy to collapse. Lacking in domestic saving, and wanting to invest and grow, the U.S. has taken great advantage of the dollar’s role as the world’s primary reserve currency and drawn heavily on surplus savings from abroad to square the circle. If the return on investment for Treasury securities continues to be so pitiful that no one will buy them, the whole scheme comes tumbling down. The dollar has lost all credibility in the context of a reserve currency evidenced by a whole host of factors. Not the least being that the US tries to bully the rest of the world. The US is totally bankrupt, and the world knows it. Trump has abused it too much. The countries are feeling the angst of placing their confidence in the dollar. If the dollar is a so-called world currency, it has to be in the interest of the world. Lately, it seems that perspective has been lost and it has been weaponized to serve American foreign policy. The world does not need the dollar. Every country would love to get rid of the PetroDollar, which would, in itself, increase the value of their own currencies. What currency is going to fill the void? China has been working toward its yuan, replacing the dollar on the world stage. If the opportunity arises, they will pounce. The IMF already launched their replacement vehicle in July 2018, which aims at replacing the US dollar for those countries that want to do trade using a common currency other than the greenback. IMF's Distributed Ledger Technology has been in place for two years now. This replaces the US Dollar for trade between nations. It's already a done deal for the dollar as the reserve currency. China's BRICS Swift move to remove the petrodollar as the worlds' currency, their expanding economic growth vs. the U.S. dollar's GNP to debt ratio of 107% when over 77% signals fiat money collapse and their expanding global military presence threaten the 1% elite's world dominance (power and monetary control). The Dollar will eventually collapse. Don’t forget inflation, with trillions of dollars being injected into the economy and negative interest rates on the horizon, what does that mean for stashing cash or equities? A current American strategy in Foreign policy has been to threaten banks facilitating trade with countries like Iran and Venezuela. This has been noted by the rest of the world and alternatives to SWIFT, and the US Dollar are being implemented. The dramas with Libya, Iraq, Iran, and Venezuela relate to the sale of Oil for something other than the Petro-Dollar. The US Dollar is vulnerable to the development of replacement energy sources. The use of the Dollar as a geopolitical weapon has led to the situation where it is being replaced in trade deals. At some point, a lot of Dollar-denominated financial paper will end up back in the US prior to a reset. Current trends show that both China and Russia have been divesting US paper. The dollar has about three years of life left before there will be a fatal crash. The decline of the dollar’s purchasing power has a 95% correlation to the federal deficit, which is exponentially climbing. At the present time, the economy was stunned by the shutdown, but soon more dollars will be pursuing fewer goods and services. Inflation will begin to rise, and at some point, the global credit markets will collapse, at least with respect to the dollar. I don't know about you, but the price of some foods has already doubled. My guess is the Dollar has less than three years before it is replaced. It's called a currency reset, and we're having one in the next few years. This will finally solve our toilet paper shortage! Got gold, silver, cows, bullets, land—anything but fiat. There should be an international currency, hopefully partially backed by gold. This will prevent endless quantitative easing, and governments will no longer just be printing monopoly money without limits, which has resulted in ZERO and even NEGATIVE interest rates. Produced in FINITE quantities by the sweat of men, Gold and Silver stand as sentinels to protect the wealth of astute investors in times of currency mismanagement and debasement that is occurring today. Yet only about 1% of the population owns any (outside of jewelry) Ironically due to brainwashing by financial institutions (and those with a vested interest in keeping your wealth in the bubble stock, bond and real estate markets). Buy US Silver Eagles and Gold Eagles all you can, now that their prices are still very low (due to commercial bank shorting), and you will not regret it. Soon silver and gold prices will really explode as all of the paper money being generated looks for a safe undervalued place to invest in. Most won't listen to what I am saying, but you will remember I told you this, and it is backed by cold hard facts. “Issue of currency should be lodged with the government and be protected from domination by Wall Street. We are opposed to…provisions [which] would place our currency and credit system in private hands.” – Theodore Roosevelt. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And leave me a comment. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

Wednesday, June 3, 2020

This is a Planned Collapse of America !!

This is a Planned Collapse of America !!

The U.S. is Crumbling from Within. Demonstrations riots and violence from coast to coast. Police and protesters packing the streets of our country. City after city, crowds, turning riotous, chaos outside the White House. Some shooting off fireworks and setting cars and buildings on fire, including the historic Saint John's Church. In Philadelphia smashed up storefronts, protesters throwing rocks and Molotov cocktails at police. Row of cars and flames fires burning near the White House even in the Church of presidents. At least 44 cities establish curfews overnight. National Guard activated in 21 states and the District of Columbia to help keep the peace. Protests are breaking out in at least 140 cities across the country over the weekend. Overnight curfews went into effect across the country and had little the effect in some major cities. In New York, 345 protesters were arrested Saturday night, including Chiara de Blasio, daughter of New York City's Mayor Bill DeBlasio. National Guard troops now activated in 21 states in Washington DC to control crowds and looting. The most fundamental element of the social contract between the government and the people is cracking. That’s the obligation of the government to keep its citizens safe. For that, we surrender a portion of our freedom and wealth to the government for the collective good. The “social contract” has failed because governments are nothing more than a collection of human beings that have been given a level of power and authority over others. Power and authority put in the hands of humans will always fail, eventually morphs into the desire to accumulate more power and authority. The age-old saying “power corrupts” has been around forever because it’s true. The current situation has long since changed from being about Floyd being killed. It’s now a blatant attempt to accumulate as much power as possible. The fools in Antifa and the ultra-right-wing are both playing right into the hands of the people that want to accumulate more and more power. Just like with the sheep literally begging to be locked down from CoVid, so too will the sheep literally beg for martial law to be implemented, first on a city-by-city basis. But the people pulling strings are being smarter this time. Instead of focusing the looting and violence in the ghettos, it’s heading out into the suburban areas. Walnut Creek, CA, got hit hard two nights in a row. Santa Monica got hit. There are rumors of looting being scheduled (on social media, no less) all along the San Francisco Peninsula over the next several nights. This will lead to suburban sheep demanding martial law. State governors will “reluctantly and with great sorrow” make the declarations statewide. And once imposed, with the power that gives them, martial law will not be easily discontinued. "Antifa, short for anti-fascists, is an umbrella term for far-left-leaning militant groups that resist neo-Nazis and white supremacists at demonstrations." So says the mainstream media outlets. The problem is, all I get when I research Antifa is photographs of masked, tattooed white people dressed in black setting fires, smashing windows, spray painting walls, and trying to kill people with crude weapons. Who is erasing all of the documentation of Antifa resisting 'neo-Nazis and white supremacists'? Someone needs to get to the bottom of this. Mysterious pallets of bricks have been filmed throughout major riot hotspots across the country, in what appears to be more evidence that organized groups are using the George Floyd protests to incite chaos and terrorism throughout the US. So who's donating the pallets of bricks to these riot ravaged areas! I still have not heard from one mayor or governor stating they will open an investigation into what organization is placing pallets of bricks in cities used for the sole purpose of destruction. Surely there's surveillance footage, and surely they aren't being brought in by hand. Start checking camera footage, run license plates. Every square block of America is under video surveillance 24 hours a day, with permanent record thereof, and nobody has footage of the flatbed delivering / unloading pallet loads of bricks! If these deliveries continue without being "detected" or hunted down via the ubiquitous surveillance cameras EVERYWHERE, then it's clearly the State. Why? Who knows. But there's no way you can get away with this in our Surveillance State without government approval and knowledge. Perhaps an effort to convince potential 3percenters into believing the State is so inept? Cops can track you down using facial recognition, cameras everywhere, but the 10 ton truck with a crane that unloaded this is invisible! The very fact that the CIA / FBI does not know who these people are almost proving that they are in on it. They can track me walking out of my house from space, yet, they don't know who to arrest? Give me a break. Somebody in the deep state wants this to happen. My guess is they planned it to happen. If these deliveries continue without being "detected" or hunted down via the ubiquitous surveillance cameras EVERYWHERE, then it's clearly the State. There is a conscious, organized effort to HIDE the funding, organization, and logistics of ANTIFA. With surveillance cameras everywhere, it's not that hard to review the video and capture the license plate of a vehicle dropping off a load of bricks. I presume that law enforcement is not interested in confirming their instincts. In fact, surveillance cameras have been removed. The Antifa are useful idiots. They are patsies. No way they delivered the bricks in such a neat and organized package. I think they are being set up to create chaos, and that will give the government an excuse to put the cities under martial law or remove more civil rights and start surveilling everyone. Trump just spoke and said if the mayors cannot control the looters and rioters with the National Guard, he will send in the US military. Soldiers patrolling the streets. All we need now is a few cartels, and we are in Mexico. The pandemic never envisioned a full reopening of the economy. So getting mobs to burn down stores that will never be rebuilt or restocked is the next best thing. Anybody finding it interesting that they're considering ending lockdowns just in time for Civil Unrest? Only three weeks ago, it was CRIMINAL to open your beauty salon. The owner WENT TO JAIL. Only a few days ago, marching in public was 'basically murder.' Now it's 'brave and just' or something. How convenient for Antifa and the Soros stooges that everyone is now obliged to wear masks. Today, we are told (again) to "give them enough room to destroy," and though mass riots occur every night, there are no mass arrests. Those arrested for arson, grand theft, looting, etc. are paid by Justin Timberlake to get out of jail so they can do it all over again. All this feels scripted. It's all too clean. And events seem to flow nicely from one to the next. The plan is to bring out US troops under the guise of riots and make the US and authoritarian army based security state where your constitutional rights are limited because the military or some person of authority says so like China. Perpetual riots will give the pretext for putting troops on the street permanently to bring about law and order. The ROCKEFELLER / GATES gang want china style rule no matter how they get it COVID or race riots. The new zeitgeist USA has to become like China in order to compete against China. Which means, the masses must behave and conform like the people in China. The social distancing, compulsory mask psyop, and lockdowns are examples of broad suspension of individual rights. These are paid riots, on tour, with a "production team." They are traitors. This is a planned enemy insurrection that has been mapped out for years. There is no longer any doubt. Soros wants a color revolution in America, just like in Ukraine. These events are all planned and bought to action with the complicity of our governments. These are not coincidences. These events are carefully planned to train the next generation of communist thugs to terrorize the middle class and small business owners. We are under attack. The idea that there is anarchy because of a few abusive cops is also propaganda. Most people have been indoctrinated in our country. Puppets of society. There are other forces that pull the strings, a puppet master, or so to speak. The ultimate goal is and has always been about control. Our system is not perfect by any means, but if it is destroyed, the system that will replace it will be even worse. Someone or something else will rise in power and control the masses. The pandemic was one good excuse to blame for the current recession, which needs bailouts and buy-backs to rescue stock markets. Then riots provide the next reason to blame for the current recession, which needs more bailouts to rescue the economy and bring in martial law after bailouts come cannibalistic predatory capitalism where big corporations swallow up little mom and pop businesses and another mass destruction of the middle class. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The FED with their asset inflation and the creation of the wealth gap is the powder, Soros, and Antifa are the matches, and the mainstream media are the cheerleaders. These riots are part of the planned Coup that is underway. Forcing Trump to essentially declare martial law, getting people to beg for it. These riots are an organized FBI / CIA operation. No one will get busted. COVID wasn't working to keep the economy shut down, so race riots are going to be used to keep cities and economies shut down. The USA lost the petrodollar folks. COVID = petrodollar flu. China has all the oil in the world and a stable economy to keep One Belt One Road expanding and growing. The UK and EU royalty have decided to permanently depress and eventually break apart America in 10 years. They are creating or at least attempting to create a forced new zeitgeist of perpetual chaos, security state, and lockdowns. Its a forced meme. The plan is to bring out US troops under the guise of riots and make the US and authoritarian army based security state where your constitutional rights are limited because the military or some person of authority says so like China. Perpetual riots will give the pretext for putting troops on the street permanently to bring about 'law and order.' The ROCKEFELLER / GATES gang want china style rule no matter how they get it COVID or race riots. We are at a point in world history where software nerds, old merchant families, and banker bookkeepers are openly seeking dictatorial power to rule from the shadows like Voldemort's crew. NOBODY in the west today has the balls or will to OPENLY grab power and play the role of Caesar and establish dominion over his country like china's military authoritarian Emperor Xi. For all the talk, Trump is no authoritarian, just a 4chan meme. The Global banking cabal lost the petrodollar and the trade war! Effeminate, weak riots, troops on the street, and disease are all they got to psyop the masses just like the eighteenth-century economies. If you lose a spice route, your central bank, and economy collapse, all you got is the plague to psyop the masses. The USA lost the petrodollar, so now the military is now being turned on its citizens just like the corrupt late roman republic....unfortnately we have no caesars to save us. The globalist meme has come true. The west is ruled by a pack of beta globalists who can only rule through sneak false flags and deceptions like COVID, race riots, etc. Emperor Xi simply says I am the glorious supreme leader of China, and he gets his way. To do that, you must follow psyops with actual skull cracking and genocide of domestic homeland populations to drive fear. Nobody in the west has the stomach to investigate what's going on and put to death traitors, banksters, etc. and bring about order! We are stuck with the cowardly globalist rule of perpetual anarchy, limited innovation, and consumption for the conceivable future! Who established and now owns the Fed? Who owns the propaganda Mainstream Media and social media? Who owns the center of cultural perversion---Hollywood? Who owns and controls our governments? Who are you not allowed to criticize? Who is the Deep State that rules over us? Why is the elephant in the kitchen so rarely even discussed? Answer those questions, and you have a chance to be free. Ignore them and welcome to a modern version of serfdom. Until you know where to march, your charade parades are just that. You have to remove The banking cabal, first and foremost—the real virus. You have to know why. You have to know where. You have to know-how. You have to know who. You have to know what you are doing. None of these people marching know what they are doing and who the real virus is. They don't know anything. That is dangerous. Honestly, does anyone think that the massive funding for this anarchy isn’t funded by George Soros and his infinite number of front organizations? He’s stated that his primary goal in his lifetime is the destruction of the United States. He’s serious, and we better start engaging this POS. Starting with the President, all the government, congress, police, armed forces need to recognize who the boss is. We, the people, are. No more of this need to dominate. You are our public servants. Behave as such. Now here are our instructions: 1. We want all our troops home. 2. We will pay no taxes until you've taken back our trillions from the banksters and the Military-Industrial Complex. 3. Scrap the FED and the CIA. 4. Police to be drawn from the people, like juries. 5. Proper money with copper pennies, silver dollars, and gold eagles. That's for starters. If you can deliver on that, we'll elect you again. Otherwise, the rioting will continue until you learn who the master is - and you'll all go to jail. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!

Monday, June 1, 2020

đŸ‘‰As America Burns , The Stock Market Soars !!

đŸ‘‰As America Burns , The Stock Market Soars !!

Stocks are up, Yet fundamentals are worse than the Great Depression. And the Circus continues. The Fed bought the open with both hands and feet. It is all Rigged! These markets are a frontrunning operation run by AI algorithms. Rome is burning; That’s good for 100 points on the S&P. This is the sickest day I have seen in this Ponzi fraud ever. Every major city in America is being set on fire and looted. Forty million unemployed. And they just keep pumping this Ponzi scheme in everyone's face. Further proof of how disconnected the stock "market" is from reality. As Americans get out of bed this morning, they are not going to give one damn about the market. They're going to find out that their nation has literally burned to the ground. The financial sector (Wall Street) is COMPLETELY disconnected from the REAL economy: People riot in the streets, millions of middle-class people in the US lost their job and income, but the stock market skyrockets. 2020 is 1984 on steroids. The true “looters” are in the Federal Reserve, Wall Street, and the Military-Industrial Complex. Their minions are the ones dressed in black and breaking windows, throwing firebombs, and inciting protesters to riot. They tried that at our protest yesterday, and nobody took the bait. There were “end the Fed” signs mixed in with “Justice for George Floyd” signs. People know who the real thugs are, and they wear suits and uniforms! Now you understand that the short downturn on Wallstreet was simply all part of the plan, and the rich get richer. Markets no longer trade on fundamentals. It's just an algo fueled shitshow. It's all a rigged scam so that the "1%" can continue to rake in more loot (taxpayers' money and fabricated currency). Markets ceased reflecting the health of the economy and reality in general decades ago - it's just too obvious to deny now. Riots, Burning, Protester out pillaging, White house lockdown, no goods available for the stocktake sales, Waits of over 40 days for anything needed urgently. Stupid is as stupid does. And The Stocks always go up, and up. Nothing matters anymore in a banana communist republic. Our wealth will continue to be inflated away, our jobs and manufacturing destroyed, our cities burning, church gatherings outlawed, as we take our place amongst the global peasantry of the New World Order. The Fed is buying spree is tapering. The fed is now buying corporate bonds and equities. Every Monday, the Fed needs a good kick at the can get things going, even better during a pandemic and brooding civil war. Spoof the futures and pump and dump into Robin hood retail all day long. Don't stop it till it stops. The only thing that will stop stocks from going up is if the Federal Reserve was ever fully audited. But it's never going to happen. They all know the books are cooked. They also know an audit will absolutely crush the dollar instantly, and they will lose everything to mass violence. Welcome to 2020 - everything is bull (ish). I can only imagine when unemployment hits 30%, and the U.S. military takes over major cities and installs FEMA camps. The Dow would hit 40k. As long as central banks print funny money notes and keep stonks on the level decided by the central committee, you can have them at 60k, for a while. Soon the defaults on all the business loans, and that should be good for another 10000 pop on Dow. How can markets set themselves up for new record highs, when hundreds of millions around the globe have been sacked or furloughed and are likely to become long-term unemployment statistics. Who controls the markets? Who stands to gain the most from this nonsense? The small guy or the banking cabal? There is your answer. The small guy will get crushed, and the one Percent protected by this group will gain. The degree to which soaring markets are diverging from the real economic virus damage, and now the rising rage, has become embarrassingly obscene. The players in the market know that the worse things get, the faster we arrive at negative rates. As Wallstreet laughs at it all and reminds the plebs; The Fed is your Daddy! They needed a pandemic with lockdowns, closures, along with massive unemployment and riots. Money changers, along with Fauci, are wringing their hands and smirking with glee in their eyes. All done by Design, all done by Agenda. It is all a show, everything is fine. The underlining strength in the economy is their" ALL HAIL THE ALL AND MIGHTY FED'. And, I thought the worst looting was being done by dims, Antifa, and the 99/100ths rioters. SEIZE, AUDIT, AND END THE REAL THIEVES: THE FED! End the Fed. Drain the swamp. Enforce the constitution. And remove all dual citizens from the government. Sound money forces the government to live within its means. Eliminate all fiat currencies, for starters. That should be easy. America had the example of Japan right in front of it. But the magic show had to be saved at all costs. For those who think QE will keep asset prices going up indefinitely, look at how QE has tapered. Bubbles are like balloons. They need constant hot air to stay inflated. "QE has become an inescapable trap." QE was an inescapable trap from the beginning. If circumstances are such that to not do QE is just too painful, yet QE will never allow that pain to lessen, you are in the trap. The only way out is through the pain. The worst part is, the pain is going to happen regardless, it will just be worse if it comes involuntarily. Here comes the pain. Greed, hubris, and ignorance have brought the empire to where it is today. The free lunch is over, and the rest of the world sees through the lies. The whole world is laughing at us going along with the globalism scam and our leaders selling gazillion and trillion dollars worth science, wealth, and jobs to China To enrich themselves and us becoming slaves to China. Treason like this never happened in history. And as the anarchists go head to head with the law and order crowd, The 1% kicks back and enjoys the show. Thus was it ever. Thus shall it always be. Get out of the market now. This is a big fraud by the banksters! The Market Has Reached Its "Maximum Stupid" Price Limit. Room for more suckers and bagholders at the top! The markets are all rigged, no need to report on them. Smart people walked away, crazy people try to guess the next move, and insiders know the next move. The wonder is, how bad does it get before the kingpins decide this is not good. The Gambling addicts, playing in the Wall Street Casino, will get wiped out. A Casino owned by the bank cartel. The house always wins. I believe there will be a four to six-month window where the markets will implode and reset to levels for a new beginning. Unfortunately, most people will be wiped out AGAIN, as they just can't resist. The market will go down, and it will remain down for quite a while, and the average investor will eventually sell at the bottom like they always do, and that is how wealth is transferred to those who DON'T need it to live off. The bankruptcies are going to be far and wide, and everyone is right now riding the FAANG's rather than looking at the reality of the rest of the market. With the peak stupidity government with lockdown, peak high stock market with a long queue of bankruptcies, semi-peak chaos on the streets, I am racing against time to accumulate all kind of tangible assets (not only gold), food (rolling 3-6 months) and cash buffer enough for 2-3 years. Thankfully, I am not in a city. Welcome back to The Atlantis Report. You are here for your daily dose of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth. The central banks are buying up to prop up their big corp & hedge funds friends. The "Empire of the City" is taking down the current currency system that is obvious. The probable plan is to back all current currencies with some new central fiat debt-based currency at a fixed exchange rate, i.e., like Bretton Woods architecture but all locked into their new Bancor. They don't want to scare the masses with sudden change, but then they have you by the balls as they control the price and volume of the underlying. Simple. And the end game/end times are approaching. Remember, at one time, $60 billion a month in Fed debt monetization was considered massive. I think they do that and more in a day now, although they are tapering to maybe $5 billion a day right now. I don't keep up on this level on minutia. While keeping the retirement accounts solvent is a noble idea, that goal is looking to be an impossible one after the next Wall Street liquidity withdrawal, aka the next and probably final financial markets crash. This one looks like the big one before the last one. Idiocy like ZIRP and NIRP combined with entire financial markets that require ZIRP in order to see their deals not fail, foreshadows a few problems ahead that more ZIRP won't fix. Neither will NIRP. The streets will look worse than they do now when this happens. Floyd was the trigger. The Communist Media, the fake Wuhan Flu Crisis, the forced house arrests, the Impeachment, and the Meuller Investigation / Frameup, and @Jack, The CEO of Twitter telling us he and his buddies are and always will be the boss of all of us; is the real reason for the riots. Add in failed MMT, and the end is nigh. MMT is poison. QE (Central Banking itself, actually) decoupled the financial system from a productive activity because it systematically rewards cronies at the expense of producers. MMT suffers from the same sin to a greater degree. You cannot cure poisoning by imbibing more poison. Revalue Precious Metals and other real assets to a price sufficient to back currencies. Let the debt junkies default. Do this, and the modern world will continue. Fail to do it, and you will get 1984 followed rapidly by Mad Max world. With markets this overextended, your window of time to take action will likely be quite brief. An end to the current rally could happen extremely quickly and brutally. Obviously, if you don't have some gold or at least gold stocks in your portfolio, now is the time to buy, make it 5% of your assets as a defensive play to the trillions of fiat that has been printed - which you know for sure, will hurt the buying power of the US dollar. Anyone who buys anything (except lead, silver, or gold) now deserves all he will get. Bankruptcy. The Protesters are sick of the FED, creating inequality. Now the FED is actively preventing the recovery. In a fair world without the Fed, those who had savings should have been able to buy stocks on the cheap and be rewarded. Instead, those who had the most debt will be bailed, and those who had savings are going to pay for it with higher prices. Another worthless American export to the world - central banking and QE. I don't see a peaceful way out of any of this. My only hope is that the anger is directed at the true perpetrators of corruption, graft, and theft. This isn't a left/right thing. It's a top/bottom thing. I hope all of you stay safe and have a plan. This was The Atlantis Report. Please Like. Share. Subscribe. And please take some time to subscribe to my back up channels, I do upload videos there too. You'll find the links in the description box. You will also find a PayPal link if you want to make a donation. Thank you wholeheartedly to all those of you who have already donated. Stay safe and healthy friends!
